If I didn’t answer your question correctly, please let me know. Internalized aggression is angry at and hurting yourself (e.g., drug abuse). People who suffer from depression are a good example: they feel they fail, there’s a big fall from the “ideal self,” if that makes sense. Usually, girls are more likely to be the victims. Externalized aggression, on the other hand, is angry at and hurting others (e.g., violent crimes, gangs). They blame others and are way too sensitive; their ego is very fragile and they’re easily provoked. Usually boys are more likely to engage in this type of aggression.
Many studies show that girls are significantly more likely to suffer from depression. But some pointed out that boys in fact suffer from that too — in the form of externalized aggression. But if you survey them, they right away will tell you “I’m no depressed! I’m happy with myself.”
Hope this answers your question…